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Dear St. Matthew’s community, As the warmth of summer gives way to the crisp air of fall, we are reminded of the beauty and rhythm of creation...
From the Vacancy MinisterDear St. Matthew’s community,As the warmth of summer gives way to thecrisp air of fall, we are reminded of thebeauty and rhythm of creation. The changingseasons offer a powerful reflection for ourspiritual lives—a time to consider God’sconstant presence as we transition from onechapter to the next. Personally, I love fall. Ilove the changing colors of the trees and thepumpkins filling the stores. I’m less fond ofthe shorter days and cooler nights, and soonenough, I’ll have to turn on the heater to keepthe morning chill at bay. Though the seasonalchanges are subtle here in the San FranciscoBay Area, we still feel them.